Puberty Blockers in 7 Slides A Non-Clinical Micro-course
CoursePuberty Blockers for Lgbtqia Youth Jay Cafferata, the host of the micro course, discussed the use of puberty blockers for the treatment of the LGBTQIA plus or the sexual and gender minority community.
Drug Alcohol and Gambling Counselors2024 SPANISH - NRS 449 Cultural Competency Training
CourseEste curso cumple con los requisitos de NRS 449 Licensed Healthcare facilities y Drug Alcohol and Gambling Counselors. It is translated into Spanish by a certified Spanish translator. 2024 ONLY
Neurodivergent in the Workplace in 7 Slides
CourseA brief look at Neurodivergence in the workplace in 7 slides.
Treating a Trans Patient in 7 Slides
CourseA Micro course on treating transgender patients for healthcare professionals.